Thanks for playing!! (+ Web Build, Android Build)


I've been pretty blown away by the amount of attention CANIDAE has been getting, more than tripling the attention any of my other games has gotten so far.

This is nuts!! I can't believe someone even gave me money. The idea of over 100 people playing my lil project is mindblowing and also extremely embarrassing. I also have a ton of new followers now, so, hey! 

I figured it might be useful to some other small devs if I waffle a bit amount my analytics and how promoting the game went, so here's that.

I've learned a lot about how important tags are for promoting itch games because of this project. Here are my analytics:

I don't think this game would've gotten even a third of the attention without the furry tag, which is mad. If you've been working on something a long time, PLEASE put some effort into the tags. Generally, you want to go for smaller tags (a few thousand games, maybe) so you don't get completely drowned out in the bigger ones. You can even swap out ones that are getting less attention after the game has been published. It makes a big difference. 

Reddit was by far the most successful platform for promoting the game, with Twitter and Instagram getting so little attention they don't even appear here. To be fair, this should be extremely expected, because I have basically zero followers on both sites. If you have followers, I'm sure Twitter is much better (another Spooktober jam game, Rot in Paradise, seems to have garnered tons of attention via it) but if you are follower-less like me, it's useless.

Maybe I should try video content next time? ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Anyway, that's basically everything productive I have to say! I'm really stunned by all the attention the game has gotten, and I've loved playing everyone's Spooktober entries so far. As my uni course has calmed down for a minute, I've decided to finally add web and android builds to the page. As the game tails off I'm hoping it'll allow more people to try it. 

Thanks for playing my game, and feel free to reach out about anything CANIDAE or Spooktober related!!

Files 41 MB
13 days ago
CANIDAEjam-1.1-linux.tar.bz2 34 MB
13 days ago 48 MB
13 days ago
canidae.ozoneinteractive-1.2-1728325452-release.apk 57 MB
8 days ago


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